Headline News

Subscribe to the AB SEPAC Newsletter – Subscribe to the AB SEPAC newsletter to receive updates regarding special education and disability-related issues impacting students in the ABRSD. This is the AB SEPAC’s primary way of reaching caregivers with news, events, and resources. Please email abrsdsepac@gmail.com with any questions. You can also follow us on Facebook.

Changes to Special Education Leadership for 2024-2025 – As of June 30th, the current Director of Special Education is taking a new position in another district. The Superintendent will be recommending a candidate for Interim Director of Special Education for 2024-2025 to the School Committee at their June 6th meeting. The current Assistant Director will remain in his role. Background information about the Interim Director candidate, the selection process, and the means of funding the Assistant Director position can be found in the Superintendent’s memo to the School Committee linked in their June 6th meeting agenda.

Acton-Boxborough New IEP Form Webinars – Massachusetts has a new Individualized Education Program (IEP) form for the first time in over 20 years. The ABRSD Special Education Department with the AB SEPAC held two webinars to go over what is the same and what has changed with the new form. Here’s a link to the new IEP form to follow along.
The New IEP: What’s the Same? What’s Different?
The New IEP: Content & Resources

FY25 Special Education Cuts  These are the special education cuts in the “A” budget as adopted by the School Committee on 2/15/24. These cuts will take place even though the Acton Proposition 2 1/2 override passed.
– reduced professional development for Special Education Assistants & ABA Tutors
– Assabet Valley Collaborative wraparound program
1.0 Assistant Special Education Director [restored due to 2024-2025 leadership changes] 
– 1.0 Elementary Special Educator [1 restored due to advocacy efforts]
– 2.0 Elementary Special Education Assistants [4 restored due to advocacy efforts]
– 1.0 Junior High Pathways ABA Tutor
– 1.5 Junior High Special Education Assistants

New Federal Assistive Technology Guidance – Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), every time an IEP Team meets to develop, review, or revise a student’s IEP, they are required to factor whether the child needs Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services. Here are some examples of AT by disability type. The US Department of Education has issued a new “Dear Colleague” letter and accompanying guidance with myths and facts about AT devices and services. You have the right to request an Assistive Technology evaluation to help determine what is appropriate for your student to access their education.

Autism Recommendations to the ABRSD In June 2023, the AB SEPAC sought feedback from parents/guardians of students with Autism in the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District. The AB SEPAC’s goals were to establish 1) what is currently working well for families and 2) what would help to improve programming and services for students with Autism. Many of these best practices are already incorporated in some schools and programs. The AB SEPAC seeks the broader adoption of these practices as appropriate for individual students given the wide range of needs represented in the Autism disability category. Click here to access the AB SEPAC Autism Recommendations.

Elementary IEP Progress Reporting – After years of advocacy, the AB SEPAC is happy to announce that starting in 2023-2024 all in-district elementary school students with IEPs will receive IEP progress reports three times per year, in December, March, and June. IEP progress reports are to be issued concurrently with general education report cards. Because some A-B elementary schools do not issue gen ed report cards, students in those buildings previously only received two IEP progress reports per year while others received three. This change brings consistency and equity to the process.

Basic Rights Webinar – Missed our annual Basic Rights in Special Education workshop? Need information now about how to navigate the special ed process or your rights as an IEP team member? You can watch a recorded version of the presentation from the Parent Training and Information Center at the Federation for Children with Special Needs here. The Federation offers free online basic rights workshops on an ongoing basis. Topics include understanding the IEP, evaluations and eligibility, transition planning for ages 14+, the new IEP form, and more. Visit their events calendar to learn more and register.


      Donate through our 501(c)(3) to help us provide quality speakers, workshops, and social events for our community. To give, please send a check payable to “Friends of AB SEPAC” c/o Erica Abbruzzese, 7 Madison Lane, Acton, MA 01720. Thank you for your support!

Get Involved

  • The AB SEPAC has two email lists, one for news about upcoming events and activities, the other for direct communication between parents/guardians of children with disabilities.
  • To become more involved, please see our volunteer page.
  • For further information about the AB SEPAC, contact us at abrsdsepac@gmail.com.