Autism Focus Group Parent Priorities – Multiple Autism Parent Focus Groups were conducted as a result of parent feedback from the 2008 AB SpEd PAC Parent/Guardian Survey, which indicated parents of students with Autism were significantly less satisfied with the special education programs and services provided by the district than parents of children with Specific Learning Disabilities. The Parent Focus Groups were a positive learning experience for parents and staff and a constructive collaboration between [then] Pupil Services and the AB SpEd PAC. We have prepared a summary of the top parent priorities (by category) shared during the multiple Autism Parent Focus Groups that Pupil Services conducted during January and February of 2010. A total of four Autism Parent Focus Groups were held – 1) for parents of children in Preschool to Grade 3, 2) for parents of children in Grades 4-6, 3) parents of children in Grades 7-12, and 4) parents of Out-of-District (OOD) students. Interestingly, parent priorities were remarkably consistent across all grades.