Mission & Goals


The Acton-Boxborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council’s mission is to ensure understanding, respect, support, and the appropriate education of all children in our community. We strive to:

  • Promote and support an innovative educational environment wherein children with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities, encouraging all students to realize their full potential.
  • Provide regular forums to stimulate meaningful dialogue between parents/guardians and the Acton-Boxborough school system.
  • Work in partnership with school administrators on the planning, development, and evaluation of district special education programs.
  • Participate in the school district’s budget process, particularly as it pertains to students with disabilities.
  • Provide outreach, support, and education to members of the community.
  • Maintain a support network among parents/guardians.
  • Maintain and update our website to disseminate information and share resources with families.
  • Keep current with legislative actions and inform our members and community.

Goals & Priorities for the 2024-2025 School Year

The AB SEPAC will work collaboratively with the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District on the following goals and priorities as established at our June 2024 annual meeting:

  1. Develop recommendations for the ABRSD regarding inclusion
  2. Support and monitor the district’s implementation of the new MA IEP form
  3. Advocate regarding School Committee policies and procedures for general ed progress reporting and communication with families
  4. Participate in the Director of Special Education search process
  5. Conduct a parent/guardian survey
  6. Expand outreach, engagement, and community-building beyond current practices