Nancy Sherburne called the meeting to order.
The following Board Members attended the meeting:
Nancy Sherburne, Terry Lindgren, Steve Lowe, Valerie Ryan
Also in attendance: School Committee members Xuan Kong and Mike
Coppolino and Pupil Services representative Matthew Kidder.
The minutes from the January 14, 2009 and March 11, 2009 meetings were
presented and reviewed. After some discussion and clarification, a motion
was made to approve both sets of minutes as written. The motion was
seconded and unanimously approved.
A. Status of the PAC Survey:
The survey was closed on March 20
, 2009 and the PAC is in the
preliminary process of drafting a report on the results. The PAC is
working to assess what is statistically valid and what is meaningful to the
community. The draft report of the survey is in an early stage and will be
completed within the fiscal year.
B. Treasurer’s Report and 501c(3) Status: (Reported by Nancy as Bill was
unable to attend the meeting due to travel commitments). Nancy shared
that the PAC revenues had increased by $475.00 as follows:
• $75.00 earned at the PAC bake sale held during the Nancy
Mullin Bullying presentation on April 15
• $400.00 – earned by PAC website manager Karl Brace.
Karl’s employer, Intel, pays employees for hours spent
volunteering for their school districts.
The PAC Board expresses sincere gratitude to all who contributed to and
supported the bake sale and to Karl Brace and his employer, Intel.
Nancy also stated that Bill had filed for 501c(3) status. Terry requested
that a full report of all revenue and expenditures for last year be presented
at the next Board meeting.
Action Item:
• Bill to prepare revenue/expenditure report.
C. Nancy Mullin Bullying Presentation on April 15th: Page 2 of 4
The positive impact of Nancy Mullin’s presentation was discussed. Terry
estimated that approximately 90 people attended. Terry also noted that the
audience in attendance mirrored the diversity of the community. This
representative audience indicates that the issue of bullying cuts across the
community as a whole. Additionally, the parents in attendance expressed
the very challenging nature of resolving bullying issues. Several aspects of
the presentation were emphasized here:
• Bullying is a form of aggression and always involves an
imbalance of power; mean or hurtful things are done
repeatedly and purposefully to a more vulnerable
• Bullying is not an issue of respect –programs focusing on
respect building and conflict resolution are not effective in
preventing bullying because there is an assumption that
both children are on a level playing field.
• Bullying peaks in grade school – this speaks to the
importance of intervention at a young age.
• Programs such as Open Circle and Second Step used in the
district are not bullying prevention programs.
It was noted that the district does not currently have a bullying prevention
program in place. The need for such a program was emphasized.
Action Item:
• Nancy and Terry to speak with Liza about the best use
of the 3 hours of time offered to the district by Nancy
D. Search Committee to Fill Elementary SpEd Coordinator Position Status:
A committee was formed to find a candidate to fill the position of
Elementary SpEd Coordinator due to Lynn Mulrooney’s impending
retirement. The position was advertised but the Search Committee
received a shallow pool of applicants. The district is re-advertising the
position. Lynn Mulrooney will extend her time with the district through
the summer and will consult during the next school year as needed.
E. Status of Task Force re: Technology use in IEP Development Meetings:
Matt reported:
• The first meeting of the Task Force took place the week of
April 20
, 2009. Task force members are: Matthew
Kidder, Lynn Mulrooney, Betsy Sullivan, Mary Emmons,
Allison Warren, Nancy Sherburne, and Terry Lindgren.
• During the kick-off meeting general background was
provided to the committee about the current technology
used (e-sped) and what it is like to put an IEP together
electronically and incorporate technology into IEP
meetings. Page 3 of 4
• The Task force is determining what needs to be improved
as a preliminary step to determining how to apply the
• A Mock meeting will take place prior to implementation.
• Matt noted that the current limits of technology and the
administrative process would need to be respected as part
of the development.
• The next meeting is scheduled to take place in May.
Xuan asked if this is tied into the technology budget. Terry stated that it
was not and that no budget requests had been made at this point. Mike
suggested that we learn what we can from other districts that have this
type of technology in place. Steve indicated a need for a mechanism for
individuals to provide feedback.
F. Next Quarterly Meeting with Pupil Services re: District Programs –
Tuesday, June 16
4:00-6:00 PM.
G. Identify Topics for the Next Board Meeting:
• Status of the PAC survey will be discussed at the next
Process for Combining Outside Specialists’ Recommendations with District
Evaluations/Recommendations and Appropriately Incorporating those
Recommendations into the IEP:
Nancy gave a status report that she and Terry had spoken with Liza at their
monthly meeting. Liza had agreed that she would set-up a Pupil Services
Leadership Team meeting to walk through the process with PAC representatives
and her staff.
Action Item:
• Set date for Team Leadership meeting prior to June 10
A motion was made to go into executive session and the board moved to discuss
the following: Strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigating position
of the governmental body; to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for
negotiations with nonunion personnel; and to conduct collective bargaining
sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel. Each voting member
was polled and the vote was unanimous. A discussion took place regarding ways
in which the PAC might obtain legal advice.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and
unanimously approved.
VII. NEXT MEETING: Page 4 of 4
The Annual PAC Meeting and Election of Officers will be held on June 10
7:00 PM in Junior High Library.
Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Valerie Ryan, Secretary.