minutes 2007 Aug 6



Monday August 6, 2007

Meeting Minutes

I.                   Meeting Attendees: Nancy Sherburne and Paul Clough

II.                Approval of Minutes from June 27, 2007 Executive Board Meeting – Srabani was unable to attend the meeting; meeting minutes were not available.

III.             Organization/Business Issues

A.                Presentation Topics for 2007-2008 School Year – Paul and I discussed numerous options and agreed to look into scheduling Basic Rights and IEP Development workshops from FCSN, a Financial Planning presentation for families with special needs children, and a Bullying presentation possibly by Nancy Mullin. Other topics discussed included a presentation on the Changes to IDEA 2004 and one on Social/Emotional & Behavior Impairments (including FBAs). Action item: Nancy to check with Julie Towell, Laura Estrada and Francesca and Lynn to coordinate presentation topics so as not to duplicate events in district.

B.                 Summer Fundraising Event – I shared the results of my conversations with the Acton Discovery Museum regarding a social/fundraising event there. The museum is interested in working with us to create a social event for families. They conducted a similar event for the Minute Man ARC this past year. I spoke with an individual from the ARC about the event’s success; apparently it wasn’t terribly well attended. However, the ARC agreed to provide PR for our event to their membership should we decide to move ahead. It doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to pull an event together by the end of the summer this year because the grant coordinator is on vacation and we’re seeking full funding from the museum. However, we’ll continue to work together to seek a mutually agreeable date. In addition, the museum shared the names of several companies that offer grants to organizations that work with/for children with special needs, which we can investigate independently for funding.

Status of Parent Handbook – I shared a draft copy of the sections of the Parent Handbook that have been completed to date. Unfortunately, we have not been able to make as much progress as we’d hoped over the summer. The handbook will not be completed before the start of school. However, we hope to finalize it by the end of the fall term.

C.                 Update on 501c3 Process – I shared the information I’d printed off the state and federal websites regarding filing for non-profit status. Organizations are not required to file for 501c3 status unless they earn more than $5000 a year. However, receiving 501c3 status would provide the benefit that people’s donations to the PAC would be tax deductible. Action item: Paul to pursue 501c3 status for the organization.

D.                Topics for Next Board Meeting

•     Update on the PAC task forces

•     Update on the Nov. 2nd Parent Workshop speakers

•     Reproduction and distribution plan for the Parent Handbook

IV.             Open Issues: Final copy of district’s practice regarding completion of IEE forms.

V.                Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

VI.             Next Meeting Date: Next PAC Board Meeting 7:00 pm, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2007.

Note: The AB SpEd PAC Board will meet the first Wednesday of each month for the 2007-2008 school year unless otherwise specified.